Clipper CSV Download

Use this form to convert transaction history PDF's generated by Clipper into CSV files that you can load in Excel.

  1. Log in to
  2. On the Dashboard, click "Last 60 Days" to get a PDF.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Upload it below:


Who are you? I'm a Clipper user and a software consultant. I need to download my Clipper transactions so I can expense them. Manually parsing a PDF is a pain, so I made this.

Is this safe? In general it's not a great idea to upload personal data to random servers on the Internet. In this case, in the worst case, I could read all of the data in the PDF you upload.

This server does not store or log your private information. We read the PDF you upload to generate a CSV, and send the CSV back to you. The data you upload isn't accessible by anyone else.

If you don't trust this server, you can download the source code and run the application yourself.

Why can I only get the last 60 days of data? That's all that Clipper makes available. You can get one year worth of data if you write nicely to Clipper customer support.

I'm getting an error hitting the Clipper download page. Clipper only lets you download your transactions twice per day. Sorry.

Is there any other way to access my transaction data? No, PDF is the only way Clipper makes it available.

This is cool. Can I hire you? Yes! See my website:

Where can I report errors or ask for features? See the Github repository: